User Generated Form

Coaching Completion Survey Template

Congratulations on completing your coaching journey with your client! Now that you’ve reached the end, it’s important to have a final check-in to assess the results of your work and capture feedback. This Coaching Completion Survey Template is designed to help you do just that.

This template includes questions to help you understand how well the coaching journey met your client’s expectations, and to determine if they experienced the desired results. You can also use this survey to gather feedback on the quality of your work and the overall coaching journey.

All of the questions in the survey are customizable, so you can make changes to ensure that the questions reflect the specific goals and objectives of your coaching journey. The survey also includes open-ended questions that give your clients the opportunity to provide additional details about their experience.

Once the survey is complete, you can review the results to gain insights into how to improve your coaching practice. You can also use the survey results to provide your clients with a summary of their progress and accomplishments.

Overall, this survey template is designed to help you take the next step in your coaching practice and to make sure that your clients are fully satisfied with the outcome of their coaching journey.

Coaching Completion Survey Template

  1. Age

  2. What do you do for a living?

  3. In 3 sentences or less, what was your original goal when you first started training with me?

  4. What was/is the largest obstacle standing in your way of achieving that goal?

  5. How was I able to help you overcome that obstacle?

  6. What made you decide to hire me as your coach?

  7. Where do you think you'd be right now had you not signed up to work with me?

  8. During our time together, did I address your questions and concerns well enough? If not, please elaborate.

  9. What things provided the most value for you during your coaching with me?

  10. What things didn't add value for you during your coaching with me?

  11. What measurable changes and/or emotional benefits have you gained from working with me? (i.e. confidence, weight loss, more energy, consistency, decreased stress)

  12. What are YOU most proud of from our time together? (You've done so much work on yourself. Now is the time to celebrate YOU!)

  13. What things do you wish I would have done differently and why?

  14. If you were to recommend me to someone, what would you tell them?

  15. What would you tell someone who's on the fence about working with me?

  16. Now that you have finished your program, this means that I will have a spot open to fill. Do you know anyone who you think would benefit from doing coaching with me?

  17. It's helpful for me to collect and use feedback to put together testimonials for my online training services. Would it be ok if I used some or all of the feedback you provided for promotional and marketing efforts for my services moving forward?

  18. UPDATE: In an effort to streamline all communications with my past and present clients, your email will be automatically added to my main email subscriber list. However, please know you can unsubscribe at any time!

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