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August 26, 2022

Practice Updates: August 26, 2022

  • Released an update to Android that allows for both clients and coaches to see when the other user is both active and actively typing 💬
  • Now you can select multiple items in your library and delete them in one click! 
  • Your scheduler now supports the ability to limit the number of appointments in a day (or a week!)
  • Scheduled items related to a smart action will now show as "scheduled" on the client record
  • Add support for Portugal Exclusive VAT tax type
  • Allow for files/links within a folder as options to be sent as a library item with smart actions
  • Fixed a bug where the preview of an image/thumbnail was too large for the viewport
  • Fixed the copy with Smart Actions for Events to make more sense for the context of he action
  • Fixed a bug where a coach was not able to edit a label
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the files in the library led to an error message