Pay your team accurately and efficiently

Let Practice simplify your workflows and handle the heavy lifting to pay your team accurately - every time.

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Custom rates and compensation

Whether part-time or full-time, customize hourly rates globally for all members or tailor them to the specific rate of an individual.

Automated reconciliation

Let Practice handle the math! Practice automatically reconciles appointments from packages and completed sessions. We'll calculate pay period earnings for each member of your team.

Automated reconciliation

Let Practice handle the math! Practice automatically reconciles appointments from packages and completed sessions. We'll calculate pay period earnings for each member of your team.

Complete transparency

Both administrators and team members have the same level of clarity to current and previous pay periods.

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Customer profile picture

Tie it all together

Capacity planning

Achieve optimal resource allocation and ideal client-contractor ratios to seamlessly scale your business.

Custom tracking & rules

Admins can customize which sessions do (and don't!) count towards pay periods to ensure accurate tracking and calculation.

Go further with

Assign clients
Designate specific owners of each relationship so each member of your organization is responsible for their clients.
Shared Assets
Each member of the organization can access a shared list of forms, files, products, packages, and resources for their own client engagements.
Set permissions
Control what visibility each team member has — whether they should see their own clients only, or have access to manage the full business.

Rated best for businesses

Out of 93,000 software applications, Practice earned 5 top awards from G2 — all related to client-based businesses and support.

That’s right, when you contact us, a real human will respond quickly 🧡

Streamline and simplify your business

Get everything you need in one place for you and your clients


How does Practice help support payroll for my team?

Practice calculates in real time what you owe each team member based on how many sessions they deliver in any given pay period. These rates are entirely customizable per team member and/or service they provided.

What if I need to pay a team member for something that wasn’t session based like a training?

Members of your team can always submit a billable request for your approval. These requests can be customized to your business but often include things like internal training or hosting webinars.

I pay my team different rates based on things like experience, does Practice support custom rates for each team member?

While you set default rates for each service that your team provides, every member’s personal rate can be uniquely updated to reflect factors like experience or tenure.

Does Practice actually remit the payment to my team?

As of today, Practice does not directly remit each payment to your providers, however with the help of Zapier, you can connect your Practice account to any payroll provider of your choosing to automatically push each unique amount for remission.

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