As an ICF certified coach, former United Way CEO, and US Navy Commanding Officer, TD knows a thing or two about leadership 😉
In our discussion with TD, we're going to explore some of the foundational principles of leadership coaching. Where to start, how to think about building a framework and what it means to coach leaders in high-pressure situations.
🛣 Defining themes of coaching executives
🛠 Measuring success in leadership coaching
🧠 Key learnings in launching a successful executive and leadership coaching business
Have a question you'd like to ask TD ahead of time? Send us a note and we'll make sure it gets answered:
A career senior executive, I've led high performing teams in the government, social and private sectors and now work to pass the torch of leadership as an executive coach and CEO at Simple Leadership Strategies. My wife Barbara and I have recently returned to shore after taking a couple of our prime years to cruise the US Atlantic Coast and Caribbean Sea aboard a sailing catamaran. Barbara has taken up custom woodworking and I'm using my spare time to write the first book in my "A Bold Leader" series, which will be in print in late 2022.