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What Is Personal Growth, and How Do You Accomplish It?

What Is Personal Growth, and How Do You Accomplish It?

Learning is a lifelong journey, so don’t become stagnant. Unlock your true potential with personal growth and continue to level up your skills and success.


You’ve probably heard that personal growth is the key to maximizing your potential — and it’s true. But what is personal growth, exactly?

Personal growth means improving your habits and actions in order to better yourself. Whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional development, small changes add up and pave the way for a more fulfilling and accomplished life. 

This positive change doesn’t only affect you — it also extends to your workplace and those around you. If your goal is to level up your career and performance, committing to self-betterment is an excellent step. Your growth can boost others’ motivation, encourage colleagues to be passionate about their work, and drive you to lead a happier and more valuable team.

So, how do you get started? From your personal life to professional settings, here’s how to foster determination and discipline on the journey to self-discovery.

Identifying the 5 key areas of personal growth

There are five main areas of personal growth, all equally important. 

You can’t cherry-pick the progress that seems easiest or most appealing — you need to maintain balance. If you only focus on the physical, for example, you may lack the self-awareness and control to overcome emotional challenges. 

Let’s explore each of the five facets of growth in more detail:


Mental growth encompasses cognitive functions, including critical thinking, learning, and creativity. Boosting mental fitness helps you in any scenario, but it's especially valuable in business. A strong mind is self-aware, resilient, and efficient — key traits of entrepreneurs and leaders.

Reading and listening to podcasts relevant to your business or interests is a simple way to develop your knowledge gradually. To expand your creativity, consider picking up a new hobby. But don’t overdo it: it’s just as important to give yourself time to rest to stay sharp and healthy.


No matter what your goals are, you can’t accomplish them alone. Other people challenge, uplift, and support you — that’s why interpersonal relationships are essential for personal growth. 

Whether from friends, family, or colleagues, you develop vital skills through social connections. Learning to be patient and empathetic allows you to forge deeper and more meaningful friendships. Meanwhile, practicing active listening and being a confident speaker helps in meetings with co-workers and clients, and hitting it off with an industry expert could lead to a fruitful mentorship.


Spiritualty means something different to every person. In general terms, this type of growth means connecting with your inner self or a higher power to find a sense of peace. 

Everyone has a different approach to spirituality, informed by their culture or beliefs. Some choose religious observance, while others strengthen their spiritual well-being by meditating, spending time in nature, or pursuing artistic expression. There’s no wrong way to practice spiritual growth — if it leaves you feeling happy and fulfilled, you’re on the right path.

Spiritual growth helps to reduce stress, increases self-esteem, and allows you to maintain a calm demeanor in the face of trouble. These traits equip you to thrive in and out of the workplace and make you a more positive presence in others’ lives.


There’s no shame in feeling angry, sad, or discouraged — you shouldn’t try to quash difficult emotions. However, letting your feelings control your actions can lead to rash decisions and poor outcomes. Emotional growth means learning when to control your feelings and when to let them run their course.

From a social perspective, practicing self-control and emotional regulation empowers you to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. Being in touch with your feelings and knowing when you’ve been pushed too far allows you to take a step back when you need to and avoid unproductive outbursts. This awareness also helps you communicate your feelings clearly and engage in patient, respectful conversations when you’re ready. 

At work, emotional growth could mean learning to cope with stress and anxiety. Developing resilience and an understanding of what triggers these feelings is how you learn not to become paralyzed or overwhelmed by them.


Physical health goes hand in hand with mental health. When you take care of your physical needs, you feel better overall. Practicing self-care and learning to listen to your body creates a solid foundation for all other areas of growth. After all, if you’re exhausted and stretched to your limits, you won’t have the stamina to better yourself.

You don't need a gym membership to stay healthy — even a short walk outside every day does wonders. If you focus on nutrition, regular movement, and adequate sleep, your brain and body will thank you.


5 self-growth challenges you’ll face on your journey

Striving for personal growth is no walk in the park. It takes time, dedication, and perseverance to better yourself. There will be times when you feel accomplished and others when you feel discouraged — both are natural parts of the process.

To prepare for the journey and set realistic expectations, it’s key to pinpoint areas in which you might struggle. Here are five challenges you’ll likely encounter as you work to improve:

  1. Resistance to change: Humans are hesitant to accept change. While it's easy and comfortable to stick to old habits, you must leave your comfort zone to create a new and better version of yourself.
  2. Lack of direction: You want to be better, but you don’t know how. It can be challenging to grow if you don't have a clear idea of your objectives. Sit down and write out a list of goals in the five areas of personal growth. When you feel aimless, revisit those goals and set a new course. Once you accomplish a milestone, don’t be afraid to swap out an old goal for a new one.
  3. Time management: To juggle a job, relationships, and personal ambitions successfully, you need to be committed to the growth mindset. Creating a daily routine allows you to maximize your time, stay productive, and be accountable for your progress.
  4. Procrastination: Everyone procrastinates from time to time. But when delaying or postponing important activities brings your development to a standstill, you need to take action. If tasks become overwhelming, break them down into achievable chunks and reward yourself when you complete each one. 
  5. Discipline: Entrepreneurs need to be disciplined to achieve success. Putting in the hard work to improve and staying focused can be difficult, but the consistency and perseverance you develop will benefit you in everything you do.

Tips for achieving growth and personal development

You’ll encounter obstacles on your self-improvement journey, but none are insurmountable. Here are a few tips for conquering those hurdles and achieving personal growth:

  • Set goals: Identify the areas of your life you’d like to improve. Prioritize them, and tackle them in order of importance. Spreading yourself too thin is counterproductive—you’ll burn out before reaching your goals. If you need support, consider consulting a personal development coach.
  • Be patient: Personal growth is a long journey. It requires patience and perseverance, so don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t see results right away. As you grow, you’ll complete bite-sized tasks, develop positive habits, and gradually turn a disciplined routine into a lifestyle.
  • Surround yourself with the right company: Build relationships with people that support and motivate you. Learn new habits from them, include them in your personal development journey, and watch your social skills soar.
  • Get inspired: Seek inspiration from other business owners, successful entrepreneurs, and individuals with a growth mindset. There’s a lot you can learn from others’ missteps and accomplishments.
  • Acknowledge your progress: Celebrate the small wins. Consider maintaining a journal or a digital tool to track progress, and take the time to reward yourself for each hard-earned victory. Doing so reinforces your confidence and fuels you for the next steps.

Level up with Practice

Personal growth can be challenging, especially as a small business owner or solopreneur — but we can lend you a helping hand. Visit Practice’s blog to learn all about professional development, from improving your performance to setting an ambitious career plan. Plus, discover how different coaching styles can support you as you strive for excellence.

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