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Burnout Coaching Session Prep Form Template

Are you a professional coach looking for a way to maximize the efficiency of your client sessions? Burnout coaching sessions are a great way to help your clients overcome feelings of stress and fatigue, but they can be difficult to manage. This is where the Burnout Coaching Session Prep Form Template comes in.

This template helps you and your clients prepare for a successful coaching session by providing a complete and structured process. The form covers topics such as current challenges, goals, and any issues that need to be addressed during the session. It also contains questions to help your client better understand their current situation and create specific action plans.

The form is also customizable, so you can tweak it to meet the needs of your clients and their unique situations. It's easy to use and can be completed in a few minutes, allowing you to maximize the time spent in coaching sessions.

This template is a great way to ensure that both you and your client get the most out of your coaching sessions. The Burnout Coaching Session Prep Form Template will help you and your clients get organized and get the most out of your time together.

Burnout Coaching Session Prep Form Template

  1. How are you doing today? How has your week been?

  2. What do you want to get out of this coaching session?

  3. What action have you take since our last session (if applicable)? Wins? Challenges?

  4. What do you have to report? What do you want to be held accountable for?

  5. What else?

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