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Executive Coaching Pre-Session Form Template

Are you ready to take your executive coaching practice to the next level? If so, you will want to make sure that your clients are properly prepared for their sessions. That's why you need the Executive Coaching Pre-Session Form Template.

This form template is easy to customize and is designed to help you get to know your clients better. It covers all the basics—their goals, their challenges, and any issues they have encountered in the past. It also includes questions about their career progress so far to help you better understand their current situation.

The Executive Coaching Pre-Session Form Template also includes space for your clients to provide feedback on their experience. This is a great way to ensure that you are meeting their needs and that your coaching sessions are providing them with the guidance and support they need.

Overall, this form template is a great way to make sure that your coaching sessions are as effective as possible. The detailed questions and feedback space allow you to get to know your clients better, and ensure that your sessions are tailored to meet their specific needs. With this form, you can be sure that your clients are ready to start their coaching journey.

Executive Coaching Pre-Session Form Template

  1. What actions, results or accomplishments do you want to celebrate since your last coaching call?

  2. What are your top three goals for this quarter? Good to reflect and update if needed.

  3. How would you rate your progress towards accomplishing your quarterly goals on a scale of 1 - 5? 1= Off track 3= Somewhat on track 5=Absolutely on track

  4. What were you hoping to accomplish that you didn't? What challenges did you face?

  5. What do you want to accomplish in your executive coaching session? Choose one primary focus for the call and be as specific as possible. List questions, resources required, challenges and opportunities we should discuss.

  6. How can your Executive Coach best support you today? Choose one or two focus areas.

  7. Anything else you'd like to share?

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