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Deep Dive Business Coaching Session Template

Are you a business coach looking to help your clients reach their business goals? The Deep Dive Business Coaching Session Template is designed to provide the framework to help you and your clients identify their goals, challenges, and objectives.

This template will help you to develop an action plan that outlines the steps necessary to create a successful business. It will also provide a platform to discuss the current state of the business, and develop a roadmap for success.

The template includes questions that will help you and your client analyze the current situation and identify areas for improvement. It will also guide the client to consider the resources available to them, and the steps they can take to reach their goals.

The Deep Dive Business Coaching Session Template is designed to help you maximize the effectiveness of your coaching sessions. It will help you to stay organized and focused on the client’s goals.

This template is a great tool to use in your coaching sessions, and will provide a structure to ensure that you and your client are getting the most out of your time together. With this template, you can help your clients to create a successful business that meets their goals.

Deep Dive Business Coaching Session Template

  1. How did you find me?
  2. Have you ever had coaching and/or a deep dive before?  If so please describe your experience? What worked and did NOT work?
  3. Have you ever had coaching and/or a deep dive before?  If so please describe your experience. What worked and did NOT work?
  4. What would you like to focus on during your deep dive session? How can I help you with your vision/goals?
  5. How committed are you to taking actions steps to change your situation and/or reach your goal?
  6. Briefly describe your Religious and/or Spiritual beliefs.
  7. Anything else you would like me to know before we speak?
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