User Generated Form

DiSC Workshop Evaluation Form Template

Are you looking for a DiSC Workshop Evaluation Form Template that helps you to gain insightful feedback from your clients? If so, this template is the perfect solution!

This DiSC Workshop Evaluation Form Template has been carefully designed to help you quickly and easily evaluate the effectiveness of your workshop. It will help you to understand how your workshop impacted the attendees and their understanding of the DiSC model.

The template is designed to help you collect valuable feedback from your participants. It covers key areas such as the overall learning experience, the quality of the material, the impact of the workshop, and the improvements needed for the next workshop. The template also includes questions about the individual's understanding of the DiSC model and how useful it was for them.

The template is easy to customize and can be adapted to fit the needs of your organization. You can add or remove questions as needed to make sure it is tailored to the needs of your workshop.

This DiSC Workshop Evaluation Form Template is the perfect way to ensure that your workshop is a success. It will help you to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your workshop and the impact it has had on your participants.

DiSC Workshop Evaluation Form Template

  1. How likely are you to recommend this DiSC Workshop to a trusted friend or colleague? (10 - Most definitely would, 0 - definitely would not)

  2. Why did you choose that rating?

  3. What was the most powerful thing you learned in the workshop?

  4. Which aspects of the workshop did you enjoy the most?

  5. What would you change about the workshop to improve it in the future?

  6. Is there anything else you'd like to share?

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