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Leadership Coaching Initial Questionnaire Template

Are you ready to put your leadership skills to the test? With our Leadership Coaching Initial Questionnaire Template, you can quickly and easily assess the leadership strengths and weaknesses of your clients.

This comprehensive questionnaire covers a wide range of topics that are essential for any successful leader. From emotional intelligence and communication skills to team-building and problem-solving, each area is broken down into specific questions that can help you get a better understanding of your client’s strengths and weaknesses.

Our template is completely customizable, so you can tailor it to fit the unique needs of your client. You can also add or remove questions as needed to ensure that you get the most comprehensive and accurate assessment of your client’s leadership skills.

By taking the time to thoroughly assess your client’s leadership capabilities, you can create a personalized plan for their success. With this information, you can help your client identify areas of improvement, develop a leadership strategy, and set achievable goals.

Start taking your leadership coaching to the next level today with our Leadership Coaching Initial Questionnaire Template. With its comprehensive set of questions and customizable features, you can quickly and easily assess the leadership skills of your clients.

Leadership Coaching Initial Questionnaire Template

  1. If you've taken a personality or strengths test before, (is. Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, Meyers Briggs) do you remember your results?

  2. Favorite movie, TV show, or book in the last five years.

  3. What is an interest of yours that others will be confused as to why you enjoy so much?

  4. What's something, if left on your own, you can do for a whole day.

  5. What's something, if left on your own, you can do for a whole day.

  6. Describe what a relaxing, restorative day looks like for you.

  7. What does happiness mean to you?

  8. When you were younger, which parent's love did you crave the most? You love both your parents but whose love did you crave the most and who did you have to be in order to receive that love?

  9. What has your creative journey been like so far with your work and business?

  10. What are you doing now and what do you want to be doing?

  11. What are 1-3 projects you've worked on that has "sparked joy" or made you feel alive?

  12. What do you feel you are called to do? In other words, what is the "why" behind what you do?

  13. What does success look like to you?

  14. What are three goals you want to help to accomplish in the next 90 days?

  15. What are some challenges or blocks that's keeping you stuck from reaching those goals?

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