User Generated Form

Manifestation Coaching Discovery Form Template

Are you a manifestation coach looking for a way to easily capture all the information you need to get to know your clients? Our easy-to-use Manifestation Coaching Discovery Form Template is the perfect solution.

This template is designed to help you quickly and accurately capture all the information you need to properly understand your clients and their goals. With this template, you will be able to quickly and easily understand the client’s dreams, aspirations, and challenges that they are facing.

You can customize this form to fit your coaching needs and ask the questions that are important for you to properly understand the client’s situation. This form also helps you to determine the client’s expectations and the services you can provide to help them on their journey.

The Manifestation Coaching Discovery Form Template is designed to help you get to know your clients quickly and accurately, so that you can best support them in achieving their goals. With this template, you will be able to better understand your client’s needs and ensure that you are providing the best possible service.

Manifestation Coaching Discovery Form Template

  1. What are your pronouns?

  2. What is your Instagram handle?

  3. How did you find me?

  4. What best describes your current money mindset situation?

  5. In your own words, what do you feel like you need/want support with?

  6. Please share any money manifestation techniques you have tired. What was the outcome?

  7. Please share any relevant details to your current money mindset or financial situation (income amount and sources, debt amount and type, feelings, etc.)

  8. Coaching isn't cheap--it's an investment in yourself. Money is energy: are you willing and able to invest in coaching?

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