User Generated Form

Relationship Orientation Form Template

Are you a professional looking for a comprehensive relationship orientation form template to use with your clients? Look no further! Our Relationship Orientation Form Template is the perfect tool to help your clients open up and discuss their feelings and experiences in the context of their relationships.

This template covers a wide range of topics related to relationships and communication, including topics such as emotional awareness, understanding and managing emotions, communication styles, and healthy boundaries. It helps facilitate conversations about the way we interact with others and the ways in which our relationship dynamics can be improved.

By providing a structured and organized approach to exploring our relationships, this template encourages individuals to identify and reflect on their current relationship dynamics, identify the impact of those relationships on their lives and wellbeing, and set appropriate boundaries to foster healthier relationships.

This template is suitable for a variety of settings, from one-on-one therapy sessions to group counseling. It is designed to be a comprehensive and versatile tool for helping your clients gain insight and gain skills for better communication and relationship management.

By giving your clients the opportunity to explore their relationships in a safe and non-judgmental environment, you can help them gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and build skills for healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Relationship Orientation Form Template

  1. What would you like to identify as the main the problem you want to transform? (For example: I have depression/anxiety, My partner and I are not getting along, I have been diagnosed with...)
  2. What are the symptoms, triggers, or effects of your challenge above?
  3. Is there anything you would like to share about your childhood?
  4. What has the impact been on your life?
  5. Which of the following most resonates with you? (Choose all that apply.)
  6. If you could wave a magic wand, what would be true for you?
  7. Describe your life without the problem above.
  8. Please take at least 3-5 mins to complete the following sentence. "The main reason I registered for this coaching program is..."
  9. Please take at least 3-5 mins to complete the following sentence. "I would like to walk away from this program having learned..."
  10. Please take at least 3-5 mins to complete the following sentence. "I would like to walk away from this program having created..."
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