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Freelance Content Writer vs. Copywriter (Everything You Need to Know)

Freelance Content Writer vs. Copywriter (Everything You Need to Know)

Interested in pursuing a career in freelance writing but torn between content writing and copywriting? Ready to dive deeper into the similarities and differences between the two, so you can choose the career path that best fits you? Whether you aspire to educate, entertain, or persuade, this article will guide you in choosing the writing journey that aligns with your goals, skills, and passions.


Unlocking the world of freelance writing is an exciting endeavor, and understanding the nuances between different writing disciplines is essential for aspiring freelancers. Two such realms that often captivate the curious minds of writers are content writing and copywriting. 

While they share common ground, these two forms of writing possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. In this article, we'll explore the similarities and distinctions between freelance content writing and freelance copywriting, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate these writing disciplines with confidence.

As writers, words hold immense power. Content writing and copywriting are no exceptions. They play pivotal roles in capturing the attention of audiences, conveying messages effectively, and inspiring action. By delving into their creative approaches, understanding their target audiences, and recognizing their unique strengths, we can unlock the potential to create impactful content and persuasive copy.

Understanding the difference between content writing and copywriting 

When it comes to the art of writing, content writing and copywriting stand out as distinct yet complementary disciplines. Let's take a closer look at content writing and copywriting, starting with a working definition of each. 

What is content writing?

Content writing is the art of creating informative, engaging, and valuable textual content across various mediums. Often termed "content marketing," this encompasses blog posts, articles, social media updates, eBooks, newsletters, and more. The primary aim of content writing is to educate, entertain, and provide value to the audience. It seeks to build credibility, establish thought leadership, and engage readers through valuable information and storytelling.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting, on the other hand, is the art of persuasive writing with a clear call to action. It focuses on driving specific actions, conversions, and sales. Copywriting finds its place in advertising campaigns, sales pages, landing pages, product descriptions, email marketing (including onboarding emails and more), and other promotional materials. Copywriting aims to entice, convince, and compel the audience to take a desired action, such as making a purchase, subscribing, or clicking a link.

Content writer vs. copywriter: The purpose of each, their target audience, and examples

Content writing aims to inform, educate, entertain, and inspire the target audience. It seeks to establish trust, build relationships, and provide valuable insights or solutions to readers. On the other hand, copywriting is focused on persuading the audience to take immediate action, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or signing up for a newsletter.

Target audiences

Content writing caters to a broader audience seeking information, knowledge, and entertainment. It aims to engage a target audience by addressing their pain points, offering solutions, or providing valuable insights. Copywriting, however, targets a narrower audience who are already interested or in the consideration phase of making a purchase. Its focus is on driving conversions and sales from this specific group.

Content writing and copywriting examples

As a content writer, you might produce informative blog posts that provide in-depth knowledge on a subject while following SEO best practices, engaging social media updates that entertain and inform, comprehensive eBooks that educate readers, and newsletters that deliver valuable insights to subscribers.

As a copywriter, on the other hand, you act more as a content marketer whose focus leans more toward persuasive sales pages that highlight the benefits of a product or service, attention-grabbing headlines and taglines that compel the audience to take notice, email marketing campaigns that drive clicks and conversions, and captivating landing pages that lead to specific actions.

Content writing and copywriting may share a common foundation of words, but their creative approach, tone and style, voice, length, and use of persuasive language or storytelling distinguish them from each other. Let's explore these aspects to understand their unique characteristics.

All in a day's work: Comparing content writing and copywriting

1. Creative approach

Content writing takes a more informative and educational approach. It aims to provide value to readers by offering insights, tips, or solutions to their problems. Content writers often conduct thorough research to ensure accuracy and credibility in their work.

Copywriting, on the other hand, adopts a persuasive approach. It focuses on grabbing attention, evoking emotions, and driving specific actions. Copywriters employ techniques such as creating a sense of urgency, highlighting benefits, or using persuasive storytelling to captivate the audience.

2. Tone and style

Content writing generally maintains a conversational and friendly tone. It seeks to engage readers by being relatable, approachable, and informative. The style can vary depending on the target audience and the purpose of the content, ranging from casual to formal.

Copywriting, in contrast, aims to persuade people to take a specific action—such as purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, watching a promotional video, etc.—by fostering a sense of excitement, anticipation, or desire. The style can be more direct, impactful, and persuasive, grabbing attention and enticing the reader to take immediate action.

3. Voice

Content writing allows for a broader range of voices and perspectives, depending on the brand or publication. It allows the writer to express their personality and connect with the audience more deeply. The voice can be authoritative, friendly, empathetic, or even humorous, depending on the content's purpose.

Copywriting, while still representing the brand's voice, often maintains a more consistent tone and messaging to create a cohesive and persuasive brand experience. It focuses on aligning the voice with the target audience's preferences and emotions to maximize the impact of the message.

4. Length

Content writing offers flexibility in length, depending on the platform and topic. It can range from short-form articles or blog posts to long-form guides or email sequences. The length is determined by the depth of information and the reader's engagement.

Copywriting, in contrast, often relies on concise and impactful messaging. It aims to deliver a compelling message within a limited space, sometimes limited to just a few words acting as a headline, tagline, or call-to-action. Copywriters excel at capturing attention and enticing readers with succinct and persuasive language.

5. Use of persuasive language or storytelling

Content writing utilizes storytelling and persuasive language to engage readers and convey information effectively. It may employ storytelling techniques to illustrate concepts or captivate the audience emotionally. While the primary focus is on providing valuable information, content writing may still leverage persuasive language to inspire action or influence opinions.

Copywriting is synonymous with persuasive language and storytelling. It employs techniques like power words, emotional appeals, and compelling narratives to create a sense of urgency, desire, or need. Copywriters skillfully craft messages that drive conversions and compel readers to take the desired action.

Content writer or copywriter: Which one is the best fit for you?

When it comes to choosing between offering freelance copywriting and freelance content writing, several factors come into play. It's essential to consider your strengths, interests, and career goals to determine the path that best aligns with your aspirations.

Content writing offers a world of creativity and flexibility. If you have a passion for research, in-depth exploration of topics, and engaging with a broader audience through valuable information, content writing may be the perfect fit. Content writers often find fulfillment in educating, entertaining, and inspiring readers through blog posts, articles, eBooks, and more. This career path allows you to showcase your expertise, build authority in your niche, and create content that resonates with diverse audiences. Additionally, content writing opens doors to various opportunities, such as becoming a content strategist, social media manager, or even a published author.

On the other hand, if you possess a flair for persuasion, the ability to captivate through concise messaging, and an interest in driving specific actions, freelance copywriting might be your calling. Copywriters excel at crafting compelling headlines, persuasive sales copy, and attention-grabbing promotional materials. This career path allows you to tap into the world of advertising, digital marketing, and brand communication. Copywriters can work on exciting projects, including creating impactful ad campaigns, writing compelling product descriptions, and developing email marketing campaigns that drive conversions. As a freelance copywriter, you have the potential to collaborate with diverse clients and build a portfolio of persuasive and results-driven work.


While freelance content writing and copywriting have many similarities and require many of the same skillsets, there are also some important differences. Deciding to put your creative skills to work as a freelance content writer or freelance copywriter ultimately depends on your strengths, interests, and career aspirations. Both paths offer exciting opportunities for growth and creativity. Consider your unique skill set, the type of writing that sparks your passion, and the career trajectory you envision to make an informed decision that leads to a fulfilling and successful freelance writing journey.


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