Happy New Year! We've had a little rest here at Practice HQ and we're ready to do some great work building for you in 2021.
We've got some pretty large marquee features that are going to become available soon - including our big messaging stuff on web for accountability, full-fledged forms for clients and coaches, and more. We've added to our team and we're excited to get to work powering your business.
A few spots remain for January's beta list, so feel free to reply to this email if you'd like to take part in our early access program. We won't be able to serve everyone, keep in mind - it'll be first come, first serve, but we're always eager to meet people and learn about the work they do. It's one of the blessings of my job. 🌈
Episode 4
In this episode of Practice Makes Perfect, Julien interviewed Elliot Roe, a coach and hypnotherapist who has worked with the world's top poker players, UFC fighters, and wall street traders.
You'll learn:
- How unconscious patterns can plateau your success again and again
- Tips on getting your first world-class client
- How mentorship and support is the key to world-class performance